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AAF Scienze del turismo

Protecting Our Future - An Introduction to Cultural Heritage
The American University of Rome
January 2023

Delivered via Zoom, "Protecting Our Future - An Introduction to Cultural Heritage' is a six-hour program that will outline what Cultural Heritage is and why it matters. Using a combination of presentations, discussions and conversations with a variety of heritage professionals, the course will explore the roles played by different types of heritage professional as they confront the challenges of preserving our natural and cultural heritage for future generations. This short, non-credit-bearing e-course will be held over six, one-hour online meetings on January the 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 24th, and 26th, beginning at 18.30 Rome time (CET). An optional reading list will be available for those who want to explore more deeply. A certificate of attendance can be obtained for anyone who attends a minimum of 80% of the course.
 La partecipazione dei nostri studenti a questa iniziativa sarà accreditata come altra attività formativa presso gli insegnamenti che ad oggi afferiscono al CdS