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Leopardi Studies at Oxford

Call-for-papers per il Convegno che si terrà a Oxford nel giugno 2021
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Leopardi and the Modern Self
from Romanticism to Modernism
organizzato da
in collaborazione con
Laboratorio Leopardi
Dipartimento Culture e Civiltà - Università di Verona
Leopardi Centre Birmingham
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Leopardi Studies at Oxford is organizing a two-day conference to take place at Christ Church, Oxford in June 2021, on ‘Contaminations – Leopardi and the Modern Self from Romanticism to Modernism.’
The conference aims at gathering the legacy of the recent revival of Leopardi studies in the UK. Following the 2012 publication of the first integral English translation of Leopardi’s Zibaldone undertaken by an international team of scholars and translators lead by the Leopardi Centre of Birmingham University, scholarship on Leopardi is enjoying a Renaissance in the UK, with a series of prize-winning publications (2020 MLA’s Scaglione prize for Italian studies to Martina Piperno, 2019 AAIS Book Prize to Paola Cori), the creation of new research centres (Leopardi Studies at Oxford, 2018) and interdisciplinary projects (‘Leopardi occulto, gotico, irrazionale’ and ‘Literature and Psychology’ at the Leopardi Centre of Birmingham, 2018).
The conference aims at transcending borders, reaching out to scholars at world level, and to act as a catalyst for the international research network that has been developing steadily since the pioneering opening of the Leopardi Centre in Birmingham, and that now
includes the Laboratorio Leopardi in Rome (Sapienza), and the research project ‘L’eredità di Leopardi’ run by the Dipartimento Culture e Civiltà of the University of Verona.
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Call-for-papers (testo integrale) in allegato
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La Redazione del Laboratorio Leopardi